Sunday, September 4, 2011

Day 33: Thankful Today for the Times We Can Slow Down

 I had no errands today. No obligations, no appointments, no rushes and no strict deadlines. For once I was off the clock. I had a day that allowed me to slow down. With the knowledge that my weekend had an extra day added to it, there was no pressure to finish my list. Oh the list still called to me. But I chose to just enjoy the moments, knowing I wouldn't get the whole list done. But I would accomplish what was necessary.

I enjoyed my morning cup of coffee. I got to take a walk during what will be one of the remaining sunny days, as the chill and gray of Fall begins to set in. I watched butterflies land on beautiful flowers. I saw people rushing past me running stop signs, hurried and possibly stressed as they sped to get to their destinations. But I had no schedule and actually took the liberty to change my destination at the last minute. Days like this are few, but so treasured. And so needed, since the rush of the work week will begin soon enough.

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