Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Day 133: Thankful Today for the Starbuck's Gesture from a Friend

I spent the day limping through the pain from a recent treatment to my injured ankles. While sitting at my desk at work during lunch I had the desire for a Starbucks to soothe it. I revealed it to a friend and we made plans to make the trip. Or should I say she offered to make the trip for us both. Despite my initial insistence to instead go along for the ride, I eventually accepted her offer. One step on both feet reminded me of the pain I would experience during the walk to the car.

So I gave her the cash and my coffee order. She walked away with the quickly written note asking for a White Chocolate Mocha with Soy, but left the cash. I insisted she take it but she kept walking. She later returned with my coffee and told me they had given it to her for FREE.

No, she had given it to me for FREE. It briefly made a day of pain feel better and she knew that would be the result.

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