Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Day 140: Thankful Today for The Start of My First Art Project of the Year

Since starting school art projects have been on the back burner. I have been so totally focused on school and the new things I am learning. But the artist in me still calls out for the need for expression. And that call was answered yesterday. I used to create little mini pieces of art called Artist Trading Cards. Yesterday, I took a couple hours to begin to plan out a few and I prepared the bases for painting them. It felt good to pull out the brushes and paint and mix the colors for each surface. As I stroked and sponged on the colors I began to envision what each card would look like.

I put the bases aside to dry. Hopefully I'll get back to them later in the week to start bringing each vision to life. I am glad I finally had a chance to jump in and start.

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